Long Beach Economic Partnership
Long Beach is a model city for inclusive innovation and economic growth fueled by diverse people, entrepreneurs, and businesses.
LBEP in 2024
As we head into 2024, LBEP’s Pillar Strategies have been reconfigured to better represent a broader array of activities and objectives.
LBEP is launching multiple industry sector committees aligned with the priority sectors of the city and the Mayor’s Strategic Growth Council. These Committee Members, made up of experts from Long Beach and the region, will provide further insight, advice and expertise, to the efforts of The Partnership.
LBEP Pillar Strategies
Business & Industry Growth & Retention
True to our mission to promote Long Beach as a great place to live, work and invest, LBEP is focusing on the city’s priority industry sectors
Long Beach Attraction & Promotion
The city's marketing and promotion supports tourism, investment and economic growth while enhancing the quality of life for our residents and communities.
Technology & Future Focus
With an eye towards the future, Long Beach believes in the power of innovation, technology and sustainability as aspects of economic growth.
In 2024, LBEP will be restructuring our board officers and positions. If you would like to be a part of this important work, attend our bi-monthly meeting, special events and activities to find out more.
Join Us
Research & Reports
Part of LBEP’s mission is to conduct industry-specific research and provide it to the members of the organization,
and the business community at large.
Upcoming Events
There’s a major event hosted by or in conjunction with The Organization throughout the rest of the year. If you’re considering joining LBEP, these events offer incredible opportunities to understand the organization and what we do.
2025 Long Beach Site Selector Conference
The Long Beach Economic Partnership (LBEP) in partnership with the City of Long Beach Economic Development Department and Visit Long Beach will once again host the annual Long Beach Site […]